It's special Number Numerology Report

You will shock to see information how you date of birth can reveal

this much about you

This report is based on below parameters

Basically this report is based out on your

  1. Date of birth
  2. Birth day no (If you are born on 21, you birthday no is 3)

Life path no (If you are born on 21/05/1988, add up all the no 's 34 , total 7 , hence 7 will be life path no )

4 Expression number ( Total of your name)

5 Personality no (Adding up consonants in your name)

6 Soul Urge Number (Adding up vowels in your name)

You may be shocked to see that how your date of birth can reveal this much about you

Our special video on numerology and Kashmir

Renowned Numerologist

Ankit Batra

Ankit Batra spent years of life in singapore, he is one of top numerologist in India who knows all 3 methodologies Loshu Grid, Chaldean and Pythagorean

He is not typical Pandit, he is modern master whom you can consider as mentor , friend, philosophical guide who believes in gelling hard work with Numerology/Astrology(As a helping science) in order to reach greater heights in life

He is technology freak and worked as software engineer for one of the biggest MNC's like Microsoft, Wipro

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